International Earth Day - what is it? When did the movement begin? How does this anniversary affect TOWER?
To learn about the fundamental ins-and-outs, we ask that you join us on April 22nd over five decades ago.
It’s 1970, 10 years before TOWER’s seed had been planted and eight years after Rachel Carson’s bestselling novel Silent Spring hit bookshelves. Carson singlehandedly elevated awareness and public concern for the future of living organisms, our planet’s eco-system and an indisputable link that begins with pollution before affecting everyday health.
From this moment, our planet’s wellbeing was of paramount concern.
Fast-forward seven years and Wisconsin’s junior senator, Gaylord Nelson, is one of many to witness California’s 1969 oil spill - triggering a knee-jerk reaction inspired by the student anti-war movement.

After persuading Pete McCloskey to serve as his co-chair and recruiting activist, Denis Hayes, to organise campus teach-ins between Spring Break and final exams, Nelson recruited a further 80+ staff for nationwide coverage.
Once “Earth Day” was hit by the media spotlight in 1970, 20 million Americans left their properties to demonstrate against 150 years of body-harming industrial development; this equalled 10% of the United States’ population! Nelson and his team succeeded in aligning politics, socio-economics and environmental aftercare to create…:
- The United States Environmental Education Act,
- The National Environmental Education Act,
- The Occupational Safety and Health Act,
- The Clean Water Act,
- The Endangered Species Act,
- The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act.
So, if it was an impact he was after - it was an impact he achieved!
Twenty years down the line, Earth Day plucked at the heart-string of 200 million people globally, spanning 141 countries spearheaded by Hayes and resulting in President Bill Clinton awarding Senator Nelson the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Once again, Hayes was tapped-up to lead yet another campaign - this time however, focus would be skewed towards global warming beneath a fundamental urge for clean energy.
A total of 5,000 environmentally-skewed groups were united from 184 nations, opening doors for conversation where conversation had not previously resided.
Earth Day 2000 shared a single message loud and clear - “Citizens around the world wanted quick and decisive action on global warming and clean energy”.

What does this mean for TOWER in the modern day, we hear you ask?
Well, today Earth Day is recognised around the globe - not just for it’s stance against pollution and overarching impact on natural surroundings, but its position in maintaining a vital awareness surrounding an apparent climate impact day-on-day.
Whilst TOWER may be London born and bred, we see the affect our actions have on those situated outside of our capital; whether that be waste management, energy reduction or investing in more sustainable product.
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